AIR 2.0.0 (Automated Image and Restore) is online!
"A new version of AIR has been released. The primary change is that it now supports the dc3dd imager and doing 2 hashing algorithms. Thanks to Dr. Nanni Bassetti for his modifications and feedback that made this release possible. As always, feedback and comments appreciated."
These are the comments of Steve Gibson on for the launch of the new release of AIR (Automated Image and Restore).

I remember when I used for the first time this precious and useful GUI for the DD and DCFLDD, it was the and thousands of people have loved it...and in the 2010 I am in the development team, because I just modified AIR changing DCFLDD with DC3DD, double hashing and iflag setting.
I was very happy that Steve has appreciated my starting changes and then he worked to tune and fix the final release of AIR 2.0.0
Special thanks to the Beta Testers:
Stefano Menozzi (very deep testing) and Raffaele Colaianni
