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MultiFS Detector and Extractor
Di Admin (del 08/01/2009 @ 18:35:11, in Computer Forensics, linkato 4391 volte)

Ecco l'evoluzione di MultiFat, questo script permette di trovare vari file system annidati, di tipo FAT12, FAT16,FAT32, NTFS e EXT2/3 ;)

Si lancia così sh multifs.sh fat disco.dd oppure /dev/sdx;
per NTFS: sh multifs.sh ntfs disco.dd,
per ext2: multifs.sh ext2 disco.dd
per ext3: multifs.sh ext3 disco.dd

# MultiFS detector and extractor by Nanni Bassetti - Blog: http://www.nannibassetti.com/dblog WEB Site: http://www.nannibassetti.com
# It can detect and extract hidden file systems and partitions from the mass memory support.
# It runs in this way e.g.: sh multifs.sh fat disk.dd or multifs.sh fat /dev/sda
# It works only on ntfs,fat12,fat16,fat32, ext2,ext3.
# Important things:
# FATx: sector size; bytes 11-12
# ext2/3: Block size (saved as the number of places to shift 1,024 to the left); bytes 24-27
# NTFS: sector size bytes; from 11 to 12
# ReiserFs: sector size bytes; 12-13

file=$2 # file or dev
fs=$1 # file system
# looking for the signatures
sigfind -t $fs $file > sigs.txt
# FAT case
if [ "$fs" = "fat" ]
# taking only the sectors
for i in $(cat sigs.txt | awk -F "Block:" '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}')
offset=$(( $i*512 ))
j=$(( j+1 ))
# controlling the word "FAT" inside the target partition
fat_flag=$(xxd -s $offset -l 512 $file| grep -i FAT)
if [ "$fat_flag" ]
# looking for the sector size
start_bs=$(echo $offset + 11 | bc)
xxd -s $start_bs -l 2 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >bs.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=bs.bin of=b1 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=bs.bin of=b2 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c
cat b1 b2 > bs.dat
rm b1
rm b2
rm bs.bin
#calculating the sector size length
lenbs=$(cat bs.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
bs=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $lenbs" | bc)

# check if byte 32-35 are 0 then the fat type is fat12
start_byte_fat_len=$(echo $offset + 32 | bc)
check_fat12=$(xxd -s $start_byte_fat_len -l 4 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r)
if [ ! "$check_fat12" ]
echo "File System chosen: FAT12"
start_byte_fat_len=$(echo $offset + 19 | bc)
# extracting bytes 19-20 from FAT
xxd -s $start_byte_fat_len -l 2 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >lung.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=lung.bin of=l1 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l2 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c
cat l1 l2 > l.dat
rm l1
rm l2
rm lung.bin
#calculating the partition length
len=$(cat l.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
len2=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $len" | bc)
dd if=$file of=hidden$j.dd skip=$i count=$len2 bs=$bs
rm l.dat
ls -l *.dd
echo "File System chosen: $fs"
echo "Sector size: "$bs
start_byte_fat_len=$(echo $offset + 32 | bc)
# extracting bytes 32-35 from FAT
xxd -s $start_byte_fat_len -l 4 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >lung.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=lung.bin of=l1 skip=3 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l2 skip=2 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l3 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l4 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c
cat l1 l2 l3 l4 > l.dat
rm l1
rm l2
rm l3
rm l4
rm lung.bin
#calculating the partition length
len=$(cat l.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
len2=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $len" | bc)
dd if=$file of=hidden$j.dd skip=$i count=$len2 bs=$bs
rm l.dat
ls -l *.dd
fi # end check FAT12
fi # end check if there is the FAT word
echo "File System chosen: $fs"
echo "Sector size: "$bs
fi # end check if fs is FAT type

if [ "$fs" = "ntfs" ]

# taking only the sectors
for i in $(cat sigs.txt | awk -F "Block:" '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}')
offset=$(( $i*512 ))
j=$(( j+1 ))

# controlling the word "NTFS" inside the target partition
fat_flag=$(xxd -s $offset -l 512 $file| grep -i ntfs)
if [ "$fat_flag" ]
# looking for the sector size
start_bs=$(echo $offset + 11 | bc)
xxd -s $start_bs -l 2 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >bs.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=bs.bin of=b1 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=bs.bin of=b2 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c
cat b1 b2 > bs.dat
rm b1
rm b2
rm bs.bin
#calculating the sector size length
lenbs=$(cat bs.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
bs=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $lenbs" | bc)
echo "File System chosen: $fs"
echo "Sector size: "$bs
# extracting bytes 40-47 from the NTFS boot sector
start_byte_fat_len=$(echo $offset + 40 | bc)
xxd -s $start_byte_fat_len -l 8 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >lung.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=lung.bin of=l1 skip=7 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l2 skip=6 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l3 skip=5 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l4 skip=4 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l5 skip=3 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l6 skip=2 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l7 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l8 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c
cat l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8> l.dat
rm l1
rm l2
rm l3
rm l4
rm l5
rm l6
rm l7
rm l8
rm lung.bin
#calculating the partition length
len=$(cat l.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
len2=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $len" | bc)
dd if=$file of=hidden$j.dd skip=$i count=$len2 bs=$bs
rm l.dat
ls -l *.dd
echo "File System chosen: $fs"
echo "Sector size: "$bs

# ext2/3 case (please test it!)
if [ "$fs" = "ext2" ] || [ "$fs" = "ext3" ]
# taking only the sectors
for i in $(cat sigs.txt | awk -F "Block:" '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}')
offset=$(( $i*512 ))
j=$(( j+1 ))

# looking for the blocks size
start_bs=$(echo $offset + 24 | bc)
xxd -s $start_bs -l 4 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >bs.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=bs.bin of=b1 skip=3 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=bs.bin of=b2 skip=2 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=bs.bin of=b3 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=bs.bin of=b4 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c
cat b1 b2 b3 b4 > bs.dat
rm b1
rm b2
rm b3
rm b4
rm bs.bin
#calculating the sector size length
lenbs=$(cat bs.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
lenbs2=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $lenbs" | bc)
#Block size (saved as the number of places to shift 1,024 to the left)
# "<<" is the left shift bitwise operator
bs=$[ "1024 << $lenbs2" ]
echo "File System chosen: $fs"
echo "Sector size: "$bs
echo $start_byte_fat_len
# extracting bytes 4-7 from the EXT Superblock
start_byte_fat_len=$(echo $offset + 4 | bc)
xxd -s $start_byte_fat_len -l 4 $file | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xxd -p -r >lung.bin
#converting in big endian
dd if=lung.bin of=l1 skip=3 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l2 skip=2 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l3 skip=1 count=1 bs=1c
dd if=lung.bin of=l4 skip=0 count=1 bs=1c

cat l1 l2 l3 l4 > l.dat
rm l1
rm l2
rm l3
rm l4
rm lung.bin
#calculating the partition length
len=$(cat l.dat|xxd -p | tr [:lower:] [:upper:])
# converting in decimal
len2=$(echo "obase=10; ibase=16; $len" | bc)
# $(($i-2)) because it starts 2 sectors before the signature
dd if=$file of=hidden$j.dd skip=$(($i-2)) count=$len2 bs=$bs
rm l.dat
rm bs.dat
ls -l *.dd
echo "File System chosen: $fs"
echo "Sector size: "$bs


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